Courses &
Enteaching and supervision at the Haute École Pédagogique and at the University of Fribourg, continuing education courses offered or on request, conferences.
HEP - Course 3.710
Music teaching lessons- Cycle 1
This course of introduction to music teaching presents the foundations of music teaching. Through concrete examples, students learn how to construct a lesson, formulate operational and specific objectives, and integrate different means and resources. The learning phases are detailed and allow you to prepare for the following course 5.710.
According to the HEP skills framework and the PER (Plan d'Études Romands), the course allows the student to reflect on their practice, in connection with the internships in the classes and to analyze their actions educational by making links with theoretical sources and current research.
The highlights of the course:
Construction of lessons with verifiable operational objectives
Distinction between musical knowledge and skills
Progressive musical learning of the student
Use of appropriate technical vocabulary and metacognitive verbalization of knowledge and learning.
Mediation and culture
HEP - Course 5.710
Music teaching lessons- Cycle 1
This course is a continuation of course 3.710. It allows the student to clarify their knowledge and make a better distinction between musical knowledge and skills to be developed in the student.
Progressive musical learning is re-examined by the construction of musical sequences (several lessons) and ensures the use of appropriate technical vocabulary. The link between theory and practice is constant, with lesson preparations for classroom placements.
The creative process has an important place in the course. The student (future teacher) creates learning situations based on music, a song, a theme according to the different axes of the Romand Study Plan.
The use of digital technology is presented as a working tool to allow differentiation and flexibility within the class. The pedagogies of project, play, cooperation and discovery are the foundations of the course.
IPC - Transversal didactics
Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences
Specialized Pedagogy
Transversal didactics
The main aim of this course is to understand all areas relating to musical education.while insisting on the transposition of “scholarly” knowledge into “general” knowledge that is accessible to any learner by practicing differentiation.
Skills worked:
use theoretical knowledge and reflect on your practice to reinvest the results of your reflection into action.
master the knowledge to be taught and select it with regard to the objectives, the targeted skills as well as the contents of the study plan.
plan teaching and assessment sequences that take into account the logic of the content and the progression of learning.
identify, in a learning situation, the strengths and difficulties of students in order to adapt teaching and promote progress in learning.
Mastery levels assessed:
carry out a rigorous analytical approach to its teaching.
plan teaching and evaluation sequences based on the content offered to students.
design and implement varied and coherent teaching-learning situations based on the didactic and pedagogical plan promoting student progress.
use evaluation strategies to involve students and help them become aware of their learning.
Themes, key activities:
planning and carrying out teaching sequences
with reference to study plans
referring to other types of activities (instrumental, vocal, bodily, listening)
integrating music history, analysis of form, harmony and accompaniment
development and application of various evaluation tools linked to the objectives of music education
sound creativity linked to other disciplines (visual arts, literature, sciences)
didactic approach to improvisation through the notions of period, genre and style
CERF- DAES I and II courses
Didactics - Musical education
Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences
Teacher training
Bachelor and Master courses
The main aim of this course is to understand all areas affecting musical education while emphasizing the transposition of "scholarly" knowledge into "general" knowledge that is accessible to any learner by practicing differentiation.
Skills worked:
use theoretical knowledge and reflect on your practice to reinvest the results of your reflection into action.
master the knowledge to be taught and select it with regard to the objectives, the targeted skills as well as the contents of the study plan.
plan teaching and assessment sequences that take into account the logic of the content and the progression of learning.
identify, in a learning situation, the strengths and difficulties of students in order to adapt teaching and promote progress in learning.
Mastery levels assessed:
carry out a rigorous analytical approach to its teaching.
plan teaching and evaluation sequences based on the content offered to students.
design and implement varied and coherent teaching-learning situations based on the didactic and pedagogical plan promoting student progress.
use evaluation strategies to involve students and help them become aware of their learning.
Themes, key activities:
planning and carrying out teaching sequences
with reference to study plans
referring to other types of activities (instrumental, vocal, bodily, listening)
integrating music history, analysis of form, harmony and accompaniment
development and application of various evaluation tools linked to the objectives of music education
sound creativity linked to other disciplines (visual arts, literature, sciences)
didactic approach to improvisation through the notions of period, genre and style
CERF - DEEM course
Didactics - Musical education
Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences
Teacher training
Bachelor and Master courses
The main aim of this course is to understand all areas affecting musical education while emphasizing the transposition of "scholarly" knowledge into "general" knowledge that is accessible to any learner by practicing differentiation.
Skills worked:
use theoretical knowledge and reflect on your practice to reinvest the results of your reflection into action.
master the knowledge to be taught and select it with regard to the objectives, the targeted skills as well as the contents of the study plan.
plan teaching and assessment sequences that take into account the logic of the content and the progression of learning.
identify, in a learning situation, the strengths and difficulties of students in order to adapt teaching and promote progress in learning.
Mastery levels assessed:
carry out a rigorous analytical approach to its teaching.
plan teaching and evaluation sequences based on the content offered to students.
design and implement varied and coherent teaching-learning situations based on the didactic and pedagogical plan promoting student progress.
use evaluation strategies to involve students and help them become aware of their learning.
Themes, key activities:
planning and carrying out teaching sequences
with reference to study plans
referring to other types of activities (instrumental, vocal, bodily, listening)
integrating music history, analysis of form, harmony and accompaniment
development and application of various evaluation tools linked to the objectives of music education
sound creativity linked to other disciplines (visual arts, literature, sciences)
didactic approach to improvisation through the notions of period, genre and style
Create a course/conference
Via the contact form, you can create a course by specifying the desired theme. Here are some suggestions:
Develop vocal technique with your class, learn to sing “in tune”.
Creativity around a repertoire of songs.
Practicing music with your class, how and what skills?
Tell and experience the history of music with fun and striking examples.
Refresh your musical basics, “music theory for dummies”.
Conference on teacher posture: what can be done to help the student work independently?
Conference on gifted students, high potential, characteristics and profiles.